Thirukkurals curated for application in today's world
Thirukkural is one of the most revered ancient works in the Tamil language. It is considered a 'common creed', providing a guide for human morals and betterment in life. Thirukkural or also known as the Kural is a classic Tamil sangam literature consisting of 1330 couplets or Kurals. It was authored by Thiruvalluvar. The work is dated to sometime between the 3rd century BC and the 1st century BC.
A couplet or Kural consists of seven cirs, with four cirs on the first line and three on the second. A cir is a single or a combination of more than one Tamil word. Situational Thirukkurals is our attempt to present a curated portion of these for application in today's world.
The Situational Thirukkurals App has 4 main categories : Work, Relationships, Growing old and Soul, and several sub-categories. Carefully selected Kurals with English translations are available in each category. The App goes on to suggest situations in modern life where these can come most useful.